31 January 2022 to 1 February 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Searching for dark photons at the FPF

31 Jan 2022, 20:00


Patrick Foldenauer


In the search for new physics, the dark photon is one of the most studied
targets. It is often invoked as a mediator connecting the SM to a secluded dark
sector charged under a novel dark $U(1)_X$ symmetry. However, beyond
the minimal secluded dark photon model there is a myriad of anomaly-free U(1)
extensions of the SM, which originate from gauging combinations the accidental
global flavour symmetries of the SM. In this talk I want to review some of the
most prominent examples of these minimal U(1) extensions and discuss their
phenomenology, as well as the potential to search for them at the future
Forward Physics Facility.


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