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Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • March meeting schedule
        • Mar-03 Token evolution discussion
        • Mar-10
        • Mar-17
        • Mar-24
        • Mar-31
      • Token evolution discussion next week!
    • 15:05 15:20
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 15m
      • ATLAS
      • CMS
      • Fermilab/DUNE/Rubin/...
      • Belle II
        • Starting write tests for metadata
          • Implemented new method for DIRAC file catalog to write metadata into Rucio
      • ESCAPE
      • SKAO
    • 15:20 15:25
      Hot topics 5m
    • 15:25 15:55
      Developers roundtable 30m
      • Rucio 1.28 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Donkeys" release roadmap followup
        • IN PROGRESS
          • Fix broken Client and Rest API docs view #4992 [Joel]
            • Merged all open Doc PRs
            • Documentation views for REST API
            • Remaining REST pages need to be documented
              • Focus is on the important ones
              • The rest will be done later on (Not within 1.28)
          • Test framework for VO Specific tests #4797 [Mayank]
            • Running CI with many tests excluded
              • Lots of them are quite flaky and the tests actually need to be updated
                • Switch to factories (RSEs etc.) would help a lot
            • Framework is there, some tests are running for ATLAS
              • Rest will be done later in a separate issue
          • WebUI 2.0 Architecture #5134 [Mayank]
            • Setting up build systems
          • Authentication workflows in WebUI 2.0 #5135 [Mayank]
          • Remove direct DB dependence from the WebUI #4319 [Mayank]
          • Host token evolution meeting [Martin]
            • Next week
          • Test SSO Login to WebUI [Rizart]
            • Very close to a running prototype now
            • CERN SSO cannot really define custom scopes which might affect us in the future
              • audience claims should be there
        • IN REVIEW
          • Hermes 2 evolution #4610 [Cedric]
            • First PR is there, missing documentation
            • Dev container is missing Influx, Elastic, etc. would be needed for TESTING
              • Modify dev container
              • Might need some help on container modification
          • BB8 rewrite #4706 [Cedric]
            • Would be good if CMS has a look on this too
              • Eric will check if Bennedikt will look on it
            • Proceed without CMS comment for now, comments can be made later too
          • Create CMS-style consistency checking daemon #5113 [Stefcho]
            • Comments included
            • Mostly cosmetic changes left
            • One issue with the header test
            • Needs a last run of review then
          • Disentangle fts3 specific code from conveyor poller and receiver #4873 [Radu]
          • Add MongoDB metadata plugin #5143 [Rob]
            • Waiting on the mongodb dependency PR
              • This needs to be merged first, for #5143 to go forward
        • TODO
          • Reduce rule tickets [Martin]
          • Document and cleanup discrepancies between surl and lfn2pfn algorithms #5129 [Martin]
          • Add symlinks for the new daemon names #5131 [Joel]
          • Prepare a clear list of changes which need to be made to use new daemon names #5132 [Joel]
          • Clean dead code in the probes (ATLAS and common) #p/83 [Dimitrios, Eric]
            • Work required is clear, but time is the issue
            • Eric provided the list of what is not dead for CMS
          • Create a contributor guide for probes #p/84 [Dimitrios]
        • DONE
          • Create a prototype workflow with temporary tables #5130 [Radu]
          • Support prometheus metrics in daemons and servers #3416 [Radu]
          • Stabilize geoip based replica selection #5133 [Radu]
            • For refresh of the geoip database the creation time is now used
          • Reduce transfer tickets [Radu]
          • Write documentation page about helm-charts and versioning #h/84 [Eric]
          • Host python 2.7 deprecation meeting [Martin]
          • Clarify, implement and document a way how to include policy packages in containers/kubernetes #5138 [James]
        • DELAYED
          • Include new operator engine also to json based columns #5144 [Rob]
      • Currently all MutliVO tests failing on master
        • Fix under investigation
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m