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27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【613】Development of X-ray Transient Grating at X-ray Free Electron Lasers

Not scheduled
Room G 120

Room G 120

Talk Nonequilibrium properties of quantum materials Nonequilibrium properties of quantum materials


Cristian Svetina


Transient grating (TG) is widely used in the optical domain to gain information on transport-diffusion processes and on vibrational, charge and magnetic dynamics of the ground and excited state. Extension of TG to X-rays would allow to overcome the limitations of the longer wavelengths reaching the ultimate time and spatial resolutions (femtosecond/sub-nanometer) with high momentum-transfer, chemical-selectivity and study both the surface and bulk properties. We have demonstrated the validity of the technique by generating X-ray TG and probing with an optical laser and with X-rays. Our results open the possibility to apply XTG to perform studies on semiconductors, magnetic materials, strongly correlated and quantum materials, disordered systems and chemical compounds.


Cristian Svetina


Urs Staub (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Jérémy Rouxel (University St. Etienne) Dr Danny Fainozzi (Elettra) Roman Mankowsky (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Adam Kubec (XRnanotech) Aldo Mozzanica (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Andre Al Haddad (PSI) Christopher Arrell (PSI) Dr Filippo Bencivenga (Elettra) Dr Sara Catalini (LENS) Dr Claudio Cirelli (PSI) Dr Riccardo Cucini (CNR) Yunpei Deng (Paul Scherrer Institut) Dr Florian Doering (XRnanotech) Dr Eugenio Ferrari (DESY) Dr Laura Foglia (Elettra) Simon Gerber (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut) Mr Alessandro Gessini (Elettra) Dr Alex Maznev (MIT) Dr Riccardo Mincigrucci (Elettra) Dr Iacopo Mochi (PSI) Dr Benedikt Roesner (PSI) Dr Gediminas Seniutinas (PSI) Dr Paul Beaud (PSI) Dr Christian David (PSI) Dr Keith Nelson (MIT) Dr Majed Chergui (EPFL) Dr Luc Patthey (PSI) Dr Zerhane Zerdane (PSI) Dr Hiroki Ueda (PSI) Dr Renato Torre (LENS) Dr Mathias Sander (PSI) Dr Elia Razzoli (PSI) Dr Bill Pedrini (PSI) Dr Georgios Pamfilidis (PSI) Dr Dmitry Ozerov (PSI) Dr Christopher Milne (European XFEL) Dr Claudio Masciovecchio (Elettra) Dr Giulia Fulvia Mancini (University of Pavia) Dr Henrik Lemke (PSI) Dr Gregor Knopp (PSI) Dr Philip Johnson (PSI) Dr Edvin Divall (PSI)

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