7:00 PM
【161】Far Infrared ellipsometry response of TbMnO3 thin films
Laurent Bugnon
(Université de Fribourg)
7:01 PM
【162】Terahertz and infrared magneto-ellipsometer
Premysl Marsik
7:02 PM
【163】Electronic Properties of SIO - YBCO Thin Film Heterostructures
Jonas Knobel
(University of Fribourg)
7:04 PM
【164】Development of a resonant ultrasound setup to explore quantum materials
Xuan Dang Dang
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
7:06 PM
【165】Uniaxial strain NMR probe
Jonas Philippe
7:07 PM
【166】Infrared Ellipsometry study of K-doped pterphenyl bulk
Qi He
(University of Fribourg)
7:09 PM
【168】Distinct electronic structure of novel intercalated series 2H-VxTaS2
Wojciech Radoslaw Pudelko
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
7:11 PM
【169】Microspectroscopy of Magnetic Nanostructures with Soft X-Ray Ptychography
Tim A. Butcher
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
7:12 PM
【170】Noise mitigation in silicon quantum devices
Leonardo Massai
(IBM Research)
7:13 PM
【171】Adsorption of Argon on Graphite
Rémi Marcel Léon Claude
7:15 PM
【172】Spatial modulations of the density of states due to atomic defects in bulk ZrSe2
Andreas Ørsted
(University of Geneva)
7:16 PM
【173】Schottky contacts for silicon spin qubits
Lisa Sommer
7:17 PM
【174】Density of state oscillations in InAs/AlSb/GaSb bilayer systems
Amina Solano Lopes Ribeiro