27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【173】Schottky contacts for silicon spin qubits

28 Jun 2022, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Condensed Matter Physics (KOND) Poster Session


Lisa Sommer


Silicon FinFETs are used in classical CMOS electronics but can also provide an attractive platform for the implementation of spin qubits. Classical transistors usually have highly doped contacts that determine device polarity (n-type or p-type). Our FinFET quantum dots have Schottky contacts formed by a silicide. These contacts can be ambipolar for a midgap silicide such as e.g. NiSi. For a low contact resistance to holes, PtSi is more suitable because it has a lower Schottky barrier height. Here, we study the behavior of these Schottky contacts at cryogenic temperatures and with intrinsic silicon substrates and also investigate ErSi as an potential low resistance n-type Schottky contact material.


Lisa Sommer


Konstantinos Tsoukalas Matthias Mergenthaler (IBM Research) Dr Siegfried Karg Dr Andreas Kuhlmann Dr Felix Julian Schupp Gian Von Salis (IBM Research) Dr Patrick Harvey-Collard Andreas Fuhrer (IBM Research)

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