27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【172】Spatial modulations of the density of states due to atomic defects in bulk ZrSe2

28 Jun 2022, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Condensed Matter Physics (KOND) Poster Session


Andreas Ørsted (University of Geneva)


ZrSe2 in its pristine bulk form is an insulator and does not support a CDW phase. However, a recent study of mono- and few-layer ZrSe2 on graphene reports the observation of a 2x2 CDW driven by charge transfer from the substrate.[1]
We use cryogenic STM and STS to study in-situ cleaved bulk ZrSe2 and present a spatial spectroscopic investigation of native defects and their influence on the electronic structure of ZrSe2. Our study finds spatial modulations in the LDOS consistent with the previously reported results, suggesting that a similar CDW phase in bulk ZrSe2 may be driven by native atomic defects.
[1]Ren et al., Nano Letters 22 476-484 (2022)


Andreas Ørsted (University of Geneva)


Dr Alessandro Scarfato (University of Geneva) Dr Enrico Giannini (University of Geneva) Prof. Christoph Renner (University of Geneva)

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