27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【137】Hardware-Tailored Diagonalization Circuits

30 Jun 2022, 16:00
Room JD 002

Room JD 002

Talk Condensed Matter Physics (KOND) Condensed Matter Physics


Daniel Miller


A subroutine of many quantum algorithms is the diagonalization of Pauli operators. Although it is always possible to construct a quantum circuit that simultaneously diagonalizes commuting Pauli operators, only resource-efficient circuits are reliably executable on near-term quantum computers. Generic circuits lead to a Swap-gate overhead on quantum devices with limited connectivity. A common alternative is excluding two-qubit gates which comes at the cost of restricting the class of diagonalizable sets to tensor product bases (TPBs). Here, we introduce a framework for constructing hardware-tailored (HT) diagonalization circuits. We group the Pauli operators occurring in the decomposition of popular Hamiltonians into jointly-HT-diagonalizable sets and observe that our approach can outperform conventional approaches.

Primary author

Daniel Miller


Laurin Fischer (IBM Quantum, IBM Research Europe) Igor Sokolov (IBM Quantum, IBM Research Europe) Dr Panagiotis Barkoutsos (IBM Quantum, IBM Research Europe) Dr Ivano Tavernelli (IBM Quantum, IBM Research Europe)

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