27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【328】First light detection with an Optical TPC

28 Jun 2022, 18:45
Room G 140

Room G 140

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Mr Robert Mihai Amarinei (Universite de Geneve)


Excellent particle detection momentum threshold, together with cost-effective scale-up, make the optical TPC, a strong candidate for reducing the systematic errors in future neutrino oscillation experiments. To produce thousands of photons per primary electrons, the TPC is equipped with a gas electron multiplier. These photons, normally in the UV range, are shifted to visible using a PEN wavelength shifter. Following a successful commissioning and data analysis stage, a full report on the first light detection, with photo-multiplier tubes, is given. Simultaneously, an SiPM array was prepared and therefore, the detector is going to enter soon in its second phase, ready for track reconstruction.


Prof. Federico Sanchez Nieto (University of Geneva) Mr Robert Mihai Amarinei (Universite de Geneve) Stefania Bordoni (Universite de Geneve (CH))

Presentation materials