MuX, an experiment running at PSI, aims to measure the nuclear charge radii of radioactive isotopes such as $\mathrm{^{226}Ra}$ and $\mathrm{^{248}Cm}$ employing muonic atoms. The usage of such targets in the lab is limited to μg-quantities. Therefore, the formation of muonic radioactive atoms cannot be accomplished with standard methods using the direct muon capture in targets of hundreds of mg. A technique to transfer muons to μg-targets developed by the muX collaboration employs muon transfer chain reactions in a high-pressure cell filled with $\mathrm{D_2/H_2}$ gas. Measurements with $\mathrm{^{248}Cm}$ and $\mathrm{^{226}Ra}$ were performed in 2019 and are being analyzed. This contribution presents the status and the plans of the muX experiment.