27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【351】Next generation silicon pixel sensors: towards picosecond timing

30 Jun 2022, 14:15
Room G 140

Room G 140

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Magdalena Muenker (University of Geneva)


Future experiments in high-energy physics demand large area and low cost silicon detectors with excellent time resolution. This talk will provide an overview of ongoing silicon sensor R&D projects aiming at high-precision timing.
Among them, the ERC Advanced MONOLITH project combines the advantages of monolithic standard CMOS processes with picosecond time resolution, offering a sustainable solution for the next generation of experiments for colliders, nuclear physics, cosmic-ray and solar physics. The precise time resolution is achieved using the novel Picosecond Avalanche Detector (PicoAD) sensor concept, that integrates a continuous gain-layer deep inside the sensor volume. A first, not yet optimised proof-of-concept ASIC shows full efficiency and 24ps time resolution.


Magdalena Muenker (University of Geneva)

Presentation materials