Jesse Zhang
(ETH Zürich)
The LEMING experiment aims to measure the free fall of muonium (M $= \mu^+ + e^-$) and would thereby test for the first time the weak equivalence principle using a purely leptonic, second-generation antimatter dominated system. Such a direct measurement is performed with atom interferometry, which requires a high-intensity, low-emittance M beam. This novel M source is being developed based on stopping accelerator muons in a layer of superfluid helium. In this contribution the LEMING experiment is introduced. The experimental setup for the first observation of M emitted from superfluid helium and an initial characterization of the novel M source are presented.
Jesse Zhang
(ETH Zürich)
Damian Goeldi
(ETH Zurich)
Robert Waddy
(ETH Zürich)
Paul Wegman
(ETH Zürich)
Anna Soter
(ETH Zürich)