27–30 Jun 2022
Université de Fribourg
Europe/Zurich timezone

【341】Positronium 1S-2S and 2S-2P precision spectroscopy

29 Jun 2022, 17:00
Room G 140

Room G 140

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Mr Lucas de Sousa Borges (ETH Zurich IPA)


Positronium being a purely leptonic atom provides an ideal test-bench of bound-state QED. Because of its simplicity, any deviation from calculations could hint to new physics beyond the standard model. A recent experiment exhibited a 4.2$\sigma$ discrepancy with QED in one of the 2S-2P fine structure transitions, deserving further investigation. This talk will present the ongoing experimental progresses made in the microwave 2S-2P and laser 1S-2S spectroscopy with the help of a pulsed slow positron beam at ETH.


Mr Lucas de Sousa Borges (ETH Zurich IPA) Dr Michael Heiss (ETH Zurich IPA) Prof. Anna Sótér (ETH Zurich IPA) Prof. Paolo Crivelli (ETH Zurich IPA)

Presentation materials