The High Energy cosmic-Ray Detection facility (HERD) is a future space-borne experiment that is planned to be launched in 2027. It will be installed on the China’s Space Station (CSS) and will collect data for at least 10 years. The detector is under development, laboratory and beam tests are performed to finalize the overall design. The scientific goals and requirements of HERD will be...
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a satellite-borne experiment, in operation since 2015, aimed at studying high-energy gamma rays and cosmic nuclei fluxes. The detector system comprises a plastic scintillator detector for charge measurement, a silicon-tungsten tracker-convertor for tracking incident particles, a bismuth-germanium oxide calorimeter for energy measurement and a...
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the most energetic explosions in the universe. GRBs still have various unknown aspects such as gamma-ray emission processes and jet launching mechanisms.
Gamma-ray observations on GRBs have been performed mainly by satellite telescopes, however photon spectra in the very-high-energy (VHE) range above 100 GeV have large uncertainties due to the low...
By analysing microlensing light-curves of the multiple images of a strongly lensed quasar, one can yield powerful constraints on its structure. These light-curves are under the influence of three main variable components: the continuum flux, microlensing by stars in the lens galaxy and reverberation of the continuum by the Broad Line Region (BLR).
In Paic et al.(2022) a new method was...
The Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) and the Low Energy Effective Field Theory (LEFT) can be extended by adding additional spin 0, 1/2 and 1 dark matter particles which are singlets under the Standard Model (SM) gauge group. In my talk I will classify all gauge invariant interactions in the Lagrangian up to terms of dimension six, and discuss the tree-level matching between the...
Understanding the nature of Dark Matter (DM) is one of the open issues of modern physics. In this context, the XENON project aims to lead the effort on DM direct detection using a ton-scale xenon dual-phase time projection chamber. The status of the XENONnT detector, currently acquiring data in a low background environment at LNGS (L'Aquila, Italy), is presented. The preliminary results of the...
The nature of dark matter is one of the big unknowns of our present time. Despite abundant gravitational evidence of its existence, it has so far eluded detection in particle form. Building upon established detector technologies, the DARWIN experiment will utilise liquid xenon as target to search for dark matter interactions with Standard Model particles. Its ultra-low background and 40-tonne...
The DARWIN observatory is a proposed multi-purpose experiment for dark matter and neutrino physics, featuring a 50 tonne (40 tonnes active) dual-phase xenon time projection chamber. To test key technological concepts required for the realization of DARWIN, we built Xenoscope at the University of Zurich, a full-scale vertical demonstrator using 350 kg of liquid xenon (LXe). It will be used as a...
Recents hints of lepton flavour universality violation in b-hadron decays suggest that the rates for lepton flavour violating decays may be much higher than predicted in the Standard Model.
With its large number of recorded b-hadron decays, the LHCb experiment is ideally suited for the searches for lepton flavour violation due to its large acceptance, high trigger efficiency and excellent...
Using analytic results obtained in a meson effective theory which includes all infrared sensitive logs, we build a dedicated Monte Carlo to describe QED corrections in $\bar{B}^{0} \rightarrow \bar{K}^{0} \ell \ell$ processes.
We present a detailed numerical comparison of the impact of QED corrections in our framework with respect to the ones obtained when simulated using the general-purpose...
The family of decays mediated by $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions provides a rich laboratory to search for effects of physics beyond the Standard Model. In recent years, LHCb has found hints of deviations from theoretical predictions in lepton flavour universality (LFU) testing branching fraction ratios (i.e. $R_{K}$, $R_{K}^{*}$), and in the angular distribution of the $B^{0}\rightarrow...
Forward electrons in proton-proton collisions at the LHC are promising signatures for finding new physics beyond the Standard Model. The ATLAS detector is not equipped with precision tracking in the pseudorapidity range of $\eta$ larger than 2.5, where electromagnetic and hadronic end-cap and forward calorimeters are still providing information. Machine learning techniques are used to...
The coupling of electroweak gauge bosons to the three lepton families is universal in the Standard Model (SM). Possible extension of the SM do not necessarily have this property. Rare decays of heavy flavour particles may be affected by sizeable contributions in presence of New Physics which is not lepton universal. The precise study of such decays with B hadrons allow for a stringent test of...
Mu3e is a dedicated experiment to search the rare charged lepton flavor violating (cLFV) decay $\mu^{+} \rightarrow{} e^{+}e^{-}e^{+}$ with a sensitivity down to $10^{-16}$ under construction at PSI. In the Standard Model, this decay is heavily suppressed with a branching fraction of $10^{-54}$. The Mu3e experiment will be able to reconstruct low momentum electrons and positrons from rare...
Mu3e is an experiment under construction at PSI to search for the lepton flavor violating $\mu \rightarrow eee$ decay at branching fractions $>10^{-16}$. Being heavily suppressed in the Standard Model, its observation would indicate the existence of new physics. Achieving such sensitivity requires a high rate of muons and a large kinematic acceptance; hence, excellent time resolution is...
Measurements related to the decays of semi-leptonic b hadrons, mediated by charge-current transition, allow for stringent tests of Standard Model (SM) predictions. They provide a critical tests of lepton flavour universality and help confront theoretical predictions of differential decay rates. In fact, a combination of results from LHCb, Babar and Belle concerning lepton flavour universality...
Many Beyond Standard Model theories predict particles called leptoquarks that couple both to leptons and quarks. In addition to receiving theoretical interests, the search for these new particles has the potential to explain the recent hints in lepton flavour universality violation. This talk presents the initial steps of the search for single third-generation leptoquark from $\bar{b}b$...
PIONEER is a newly approved, next-generation precision pion decay experiment at PSI testing lepton flavour universality. Phase I aims at measuring the charged-pion branching ratio to electrons vs. muons 15 times more precisely than the current experimental result, reaching the precision of the Standard Model (SM) prediction at 1 part in 10000. Considering several inconsistencies between the SM...
The observation of neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay would demonstrate lepton-number violation, imply neutrinos are Majorana particles, and provide information about neutrino masses. LEGEND will search for $0\nu\beta\beta$ with high-purity germanium detectors enriched in $^{76}$Ge operated in an active liquid-argon shield. The first phase will deploy 200 kg of Ge crystals and...
A search is presented for heavy neutral lepton (HNL) production in proton-proton collisions using the full CMS Run 2 dataset. The search focuses on final states with three charged leptons - of which two are displaced - and one neutrino, providing a clean signature for long-lived HNL decays. The analysis methods are optimised for HNL decays beyond the CMS tracker system, which extends the...
The search for Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs) is performed in inclusive decays of hadrons containing a 𝑏 quark using a mass-lifetime phase space scan. HNLs are weakly coupling particles that can provide a minimal solution to several outstanding problems in particle physics. An inclusive approach is a key point of this analysis which enhances the sensitivity and allows to better constrain HNL...
The introduction of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs) to the Standard Model (SM) would provide a possible explanation to the non-zero, yet small, mass of the SM neutrinos. The search for those particles is also motivated by the fact that, within certain theories, e.g the $\nu$MSM, the HNLs would provide both a dark matter candidate as well as a possible mechanism for baryogenesis. A search for...
SND@LHC is a newly installed detector to study LHC neutrinos in a unexplored pseudorapidity region, using a hybrid system of interleaved emulsion cloud chambers and electronic trackers, followed by a calorimeter/muon system. It allows to distinguish all three neutrino flavours, which are predominantly produced in heavy flavour decays. This is a unique opportunity to probe heavy flavour...
The SND@LHC is a neutrino and feebly interacting particles search experiment, based at CERN.
It is located 480 m away from the ATLAS interaction point and consists of a target region built of emulsion-tungsten walls interleaved by scintillating fibre planes, and a hadronic calorimeter-muon identification system, built of scintillating bars and iron absorbers.
All scintillators are read out...
ArCLight is a compact dielectric light trap with a large sensitive area, coated with a thin layer of TPB, and read out by Silicon Photo Multipliers (SiPMs). The ArCLights were developed for the ArgonCube $2\times2$ demonstrator detector at University of Bern, with the goal to fulfill the physics requirements for the Dune near detector, namely fast timing and good spacial resolution. These...
Excellent particle detection momentum threshold, together with cost-effective scale-up, make the optical TPC, a strong candidate for reducing the systematic errors in future neutrino oscillation experiments. To produce thousands of photons per primary electrons, the TPC is equipped with a gas electron multiplier. These photons, normally in the UV range, are shifted to visible using a PEN...
The study of CP violation and mixing in charm meson decays is a probe of possible interactions beyond the Standard Model, and is complementary to the Beauty sector. The LHCb experiment, at CERN, has collected copious data samples of billions of charm hadron decays from 2011 to 2018, allowing to study CP violation and mixing in D0 meson decays at extremely high precision.
This talk will...
Supersymmetry (SUSY) is an extension of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics that aims to fill gaps in SM by predicting a SUSY partner for each SM particle. I am performing a SUSY search dedicated to analysing full LHC ATLAS Run2 data for 3rd generation squarks with top and bottom quarks and missing tranverse energy for the undetectable SUSY particles called neutralinos (tbMET) as final...
Despite its many successes, the Standard Model leaves some fundamental questions
unanswered, such as the hierarchy problem or dark matter. An elegant solution is offered by supersymmetry, which extends the Standard Model by introducing new particles and their interactions. This talk introduces the concept of R-parity violating supersymmetry and describes the search for R-parity violating...
Experiments at the LHC face exceptional challenges to acquire data, with the trigger system being from the most strained ones. The ATLAS trigger employs software-based selections at a second stage, referred to as the High-Level-Trigger. Selections on jets originating from b-quarks (b-jets) figure among the most CPU intensive ones, due to the necessity of running track reconstruction...
This analysis presents a measurement of the CP structure of the Yukawa coupling between the H and top quarks at tree level. We studied a data sample with several final state leptons, enriched in ttH and tH production, collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13TeV$, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $137fb^{-1}$.
To separate the...
After the end of the CERN Long Shutdown 2 (LS2), the NA64$e$ experiment has resumed its search for dark sectors through its complementary experiment NA64$\mu$ at the CERN SPS M2 beamline, looking for light dark bosons weakly coupled to muons. In addition to enlarging the sensitivity of the NA64$e$ probed parameter space motivated by thermal relic dark matter, it also aims at bringing possible...
Positronium being a purely leptonic atom provides an ideal test-bench of bound-state QED. Because of its simplicity, any deviation from calculations could hint to new physics beyond the standard model. A recent experiment exhibited a 4.2$\sigma$ discrepancy with QED in one of the 2S-2P fine structure transitions, deserving further investigation. This talk will present the ongoing experimental...
The LEMING experiment aims to measure the free fall of muonium (M $= \mu^+ + e^-$) and would thereby test for the first time the weak equivalence principle using a purely leptonic, second-generation antimatter dominated system. Such a direct measurement is performed with atom interferometry, which requires a high-intensity, low-emittance M beam. This novel M source is being developed based on...
MuX, an experiment running at PSI, aims to measure the nuclear charge radii of radioactive isotopes such as $\mathrm{^{226}Ra}$ and $\mathrm{^{248}Cm}$ employing muonic atoms. The usage of such targets in the lab is limited to μg-quantities. Therefore, the formation of muonic radioactive atoms cannot be accomplished with standard methods using the direct muon capture in targets of hundreds of...
The limit on the muon electric dipole moment (muEDM) could be improved by $\sim10^3$ with a dedicated muEDM Experiment at PSI. An EDM signal would be clear evidence of CP violation, while its absence at current sensitivity would constrain Beyond Standard Model theories. Simulations must incorporate multiple Coulomb scattering to determine its influence on design decisions. However, the...
The LHCb detector at CERN uses a magnetic field of bending power 4 Tm to measure properties such as charge and momentum of particles produced in collisions. An exact map of the magnetic field of the LHCb dipole improves the resolution and accuracy of these reconstructed properties, which greatly influence the precision of LHCb analyses. The development of the magnetic field map for Run 3 of...
A new tracking detector (SciFi) has been installed in the LHCb experiment during the second Long Shutdown of the LHC. The SciFi tracker consists of three stations, each composed of four layers with dimensions of six by five meters. A system using opto-electronic BCAM (Brandeis CCD Angle Monitor) sensors was installed to provide long-term real-time 3D monitoring of the stations, which could...
We present a measurement of charm mixing and $CP$-violation parameters using $D^0\rightarrow K^0_S\pi^+\pi^-$ decays reconstructed in $pp$ collisions collected by the LHCb experiment from years 2016 to 2018. In particular, the analysis measures the dimensionless parameter $x$ related to the mass difference between the mass eigenstates of the $D^0$ meson. This was observed to be non-zero with...
Charmed baryon polarization is not predicted by theory and is a necessary input for the measurement of the charmed baryons magnetic dipole moment (MDM) which is foreseen at the LHC. The experimental status of the baryon MDM measurement using the bending crystal technology will be discussed. Furthermore, the measurement of $\Lambda^+_c $ polarization using $pp$ collisions data collected by...
Future experiments in high-energy physics demand large area and low cost silicon detectors with excellent time resolution. This talk will provide an overview of ongoing silicon sensor R&D projects aiming at high-precision timing.
Among them, the ERC Advanced MONOLITH project combines the advantages of monolithic standard CMOS processes with picosecond time resolution, offering a sustainable...
The 100µPET project, a SNSF SINERGIA between UNIGE, EPFL and HUG, aims at producing a small-animal PET scanner with unprecedented volumetric spatial resolution by using multi-layer monolithic silicon pixel detectors.
The scanner will pioneer ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging, a field that is expected to have an enormous impact in medical applications.
The results of the R&D on the...
The FCC-ee is the first stage of the Future Circular Collider program which envisions a new 100 km long circular collider ring. High-intensity collisions of electrons and positrons with energies of 90 to 365 GeV make the FCC-ee an electroweak, Higgs and top factory.
Especially the extremely large statistics at the Z-pole puts stringent requirements on the detectors. The innermost vertex...
The FASER experiment at the LHC aims at searching for Long Lived Particles (LLP), not predicted by the Standard Model, produced in the very forward direction. The current detector is designed to identify LLP decaying into charged leptons, but is almost insensitive to neutral decay products.
Instrumenting the detector with a high precision W-Si pre-shower will allow for identification and...
The High Luminosity LHC will increase the average number of proton-proton interactions per bunch crossing to 200. Consequently, material closest to the interaction points will receive a TID over one order of magnitude larger than seen previously. The ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) Pixel upgrade will be particularly affected by this increase in radiation dose. The impact of radiation damage on the...
After Run III, the ATLAS detector will be upgraded to cope with the harsher radiation environment and increased proton interactions foreseen at High Luminosity LHC. Strict requirements on the quality of data transmission motivates the design of a highly ambitious data transmission system for the detector. The Optosystem performs optical-to-electrical conversion of signals from the pixel...
In 2022 the LHCb experiment starts taking data using a redesigned data acquisition and trigger system. A complete event reconstruction at the full LHC bunch-crossing rate of 30MHz will be performed using a two-stage software trigger, using GPUs in the first stage and a farm of CPUs in the second stage.
I will show the performance and design of the real-time event reconstruction, discuss the...
PLUME is a new sub-detector built for the LHCb experiment for the upcoming Run-3, to perform high-precision luminosity measurements for LHCb and LHC feedback. An overview will be given of the detector and its principles, with a spotlight for the monitoring system constructed at EPFL. This system allows for stable operation of the detector in the extreme environment around 1m upstream of the...
The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-based cosmic ray observatory with the aim, among others, to study cosmic ray electrons (CREs) up to 10 TeV. Due to the low CREs rate at multi-TeV, we increase the acceptance by selecting events outside of the fiducial volume. High incidence events do however require special treatments with sophisticated analysis tools. We propose therefore...
The Penetrating particle ANalyzer (PAN) is a multidisciplinary instrument designed to operate in space and precisely measure and monitor the flux and composition of highly penetrating particles of energy ranging from 100 MeV/n to 20 GeV/n, filling the current observational gap in this energy interval. PAN is a modular design magnetic spectrometer based on a high-resolution silicon tracker,...
Generalized Proca (GP) is a class of non-linear, massive electrodynamics theories, first proposed in [Heisenberg, 2014]. As a classical effective field theory, GP rapidly became prominent in the context of cosmology. As a quantum field theory GP has immense potential to describe phenomena in condensed matter, optics, and particle physics. In our recent work, we quantized a family of GP...