Imaging the gluons (and quarks) in a nucleus using high-energy photons

26 Apr 2022, 09:00


Spencer Robert Klein (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))


When observed with high-energy probes, atomic nuclei are complex objects. The number of quarks and gluons, and their distribution within the nucleus vary depending on the energy and virtuality of the probe used to measure them. In this talk, I will discuss the use of high-enerygy photons, from either ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) of heavy nuclei, at RHIC and the LHC, and at the proposed U. S. electron-ion collider (EIC) to image the quarks and gluons within the nucleus. I will discuss the measurement techniques and current data, and offer some projections for the future.


Spencer Robert Klein (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

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