WP5.2 - TCLPX/TCTPXH Prototypes Production Follow-up

zoom (CERN)



Minute 31 


Summary of actions treated : 

- Plug-in design green light because no levelling decision 

- Mechanical table assembly procedure next week 

- Hydro bellow convolution under metrology - potential design modification 

- Thermal treatment of jaws copper parts 

- Remaining some parts from mech. table to control 

- Planning : +15 days for tank and jaws and table, warning about the assembly


Summary of actions to have for proto : 

- Installation procedure to redact

- Bellows RGA required after last leak tests 


Summary of actions to have for serie : 

- Find a better way to clean CuCd blocks 

- Improve spec of bellows concerning validation tets and cleaning 


Link to EDMS minutes : https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100889947:100889947:approvalAndComments


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