WP5.2 - TCLPX/TCTPXH Prototypes Production Follow-up

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Minute 35


Summary of actions treated : 

- 10 EWB ready to be sent to Gregory

- 5 D105 HB ready to be sent to Gregory

- 4 D125 HB ready to be sent to Gregory

Make 2 different test regarding if the bellows has been in contact or not with the substance. Chemical results show contamination (EDMS 2714342)

- Find attached Carlotta's presentation on absorbers progress and strategy 

- Find attached a proposal from FX about the labelling and traceability strategy for tank and jaws

- Plus-in design is progressing well, 3D almost finished. With Combitac implementation only

- Mistake of referencing during the cleaning : Parts TDIS 0026 TCLPX 0123 ad 0142 impacted, but they are all 100% good regarding metrology

- Luca change the decision of the part 110, he finally just decreased the thickness implementing a conical shape to increase available space. Because even if we remove cylindrical shape, there are the holes for RF fixation that cannot be removed. New parts created TCLPX 0244 attached to the same article as TCLPX 0110

- Only parts TCLPX 0142 remaining for tables, the other delivered on monday. Assembly will begin on 15th of March 

- Quotation for screws launch to 6 suppliers. SKF do not produce linear actuator anymore and bad experience with Umbra, so no quotation asked to them.


Summary of actions to have for proto : 

- Re-machine the new TCLPX 244 parts 

- Check with Hector for a structure in MTF for jaws and tank to label the proto's parts 

- Re-doing a flatness metrology of Inermet blocks to retrieve the good number 


Summary of actions to have for serie : 

- Put the initial CAD of bellows and Part TCLPX 0110 for serie (added to the post-proto follow-up)

- Think about the fact to do a final and valid structure on MTF and put the engraving on the concerned drawing before production (added to post-proto follow-up for drawings)


Link to EDMS minutes : https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100889947:100889947:approvalAndComments

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