Maximilian Caspar
We are simulating the performance of the ATLAS ITk Strips EC System Test as a Cosmic Muon Telescope with the Allpix Squared framework. A couple of modifications to the Allpix (and Corryvreckan) frameworks have been made to deal with the particularities of the cosmic particle flux.
Planned contents of the talk:
- The ATLAS ITk Strips System Test
- ITk Strips Endcap Modules (with a reference to Radek's work)
- Cosmic Muon Flux (Energy, distribution, east-west-effect)
- The CRY-framework and the DepositionCosmics module (thanks Simon)
- The AnalysisParticleFlux module in Corryvreckan
- Results we have until the talk
- Outlook
Maximilian Caspar
Simon Spannagel
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Radek Privara
(Palacky University (CZ))