5:30 PM
Investigation of the Extrusion Parameters for Tellurite Optical Fibres
Jobaida Akhtar
(Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia and School of Physical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia.)
5:45 PM
Technology evaluation of low loss all-fiber fanouts for multicore fibers
Krzysztof Wilczyński
(InPhoTech sp. z o.o., ul. Poznanska 400, 05-850 Oltarzew, Poland)
6:00 PM
Simulating power cable damage through monitoring temperature of multimode optical fibres with a state-of-the-art distributed sensing instument
Andreas Ioannou
(Cyprus University of Technology)
6:30 PM
Visualization of glass flow during extrusion to track glass deformations
Anna Radionova
(Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) & School of Physical Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, SA, Australia)
6:45 PM
Direct Detection of Multi-Component Dark Matter with Gravitational Focusing
Bill Loizos
6:45 PM
Exciton dynamics: Beyond thermal equilibrium
Francesco Campaioli
6:45 PM
X-ray spectroscopy of 3d transition metals
Jonathan Dean
6:45 PM
Non-linear simulations of weak gravitational lensing
Adam Stewart
(The University of New South Wales)
6:45 PM
Flavoured Peccei-Quinn symmetry and the DFSZ Axion
Maaz Hayat
(University of Melbourne)
6:45 PM
Constraining Beyond The Standard Model Nucleon Isovector Charges
Rose Smail
(The University of Adelaide)
6:45 PM
Enhancement in NELIBS with silver and gold nanoparticles and N-Graphene QDs
Carlos Eduardo Nogales Herrera
(Escuela Politécnica Nacional)
6:45 PM
Benchmarking of Different Optimizers in the Variational Quantum Algorithms for Applications in Quantum Chemistry
Harshdeep Singh
(IIT Kharagpur)
6:45 PM
Effect of the silicon substrate on singlet and triplet exciton binding energy in crystalline tetracene
Mykhailo Klymenko
(ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Magnetic Monopole Response for an Electric Charge Near Multilayer Composites with Topological Insulator
Qiang Sun
(Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia)
6:45 PM
Electrical Detection of Coherent Spin States in a Silicon Carbide Device
Chris Lew
6:45 PM
Visible to Short-Wave Infrared Photodetectors Based on the van der Waals Material ZrGeTe4
Wei Yan
(The University of Melbourne)
6:45 PM
MEMS based silicon-air-silicon long wave infrared spectrometer
Hemendra Kala
(The University of Western Australia)
6:45 PM
Multi-scale modelling of STM devices with in-plane degenerately doped contacts
Mushita Masud Munia
(University of New South Wales)
6:45 PM
An Investigation of MEMS-based Photonic Switch Structure
Yan Liu
6:45 PM
Fabrication and Characterization of Superconducting High-fluence Ga-implanted and In-implanted Silicon Thin Films
Fei Hu
6:45 PM
Inter-laboratory comparisons in support of the development of standards for 2D materials
Malcolm Lawn
(National Measurement Institute Australia)
6:45 PM
Integrated deflection measurement for electrostatically actuated MEMS
Michal Zawierta
(The University of Western Australia)
6:45 PM
Atomically Thin Indium Oxide Based Nanosheets for Optoelectronics
Chung Kim Nguyen
(RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Towards long-wave infrared narrowband tunable FPIs
Gurpreet Singh Gill
(University of Western Australia)
6:45 PM
Crystallinity Properties of Ternary III-Oxide Alloys
Justin Goodrich
(Brookhaven National Laboratory,)
6:45 PM
Coherent multi-mode dynamics of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers in Fabry Perot configuration
Carlo Silvestri
(The University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Enhanced room temperature valley polarization in WS2 excited above resonance.
Kyle Boschen
(Swinburne University of Technology)
6:45 PM
Monolithic Metalenses in Mono-Crystalline Silicon Carbide
Ziwei Yang
(Australian National University)
6:45 PM
Image and emission spectrum of luminescent nanostructures
Lothar José Carlos Vilchis Martínez
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
6:45 PM
Real time monitoring of nitrogen vacancy fluorescence during ultrafast pulsed laser heating of diamond
Davin Yue Ming Peng
(Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics, RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Optical lock-in camera for gravitational wave detectors
Mitchell Schiworski
(University of Adelaide, Australia)
6:45 PM
Monte Carlo modelling of elastic and Raman returns from the water column
Brad Neimann
(Macquarie University)
6:45 PM
Infrared-to-Telecom Frequency Conversion in an Atom-Filled Hollow-Core Fibre
Jed Rowland
6:45 PM
Non-perturbative solution to quantum parametric down-conversion in open optical systems
Aleksa Krstić
(Abbe Center of Photonics, Institute of Applied Physics, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
6:45 PM
Symmetry of guided mode resonances in 2D nonlocal metasurfaces
Matthew Parry
6:45 PM
Tunable Optical Grating in Magnetic Nanofluid
Urveshkumar Soni
(Charotar University of Science and Technology)
6:45 PM
Enabling the exploration of exotic imaging phenomena triggered by non-linear fluorophores in confocal systems
Denitza Denkova
(Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC))
6:45 PM
Nondegenerate internal squeezing: An all-optical, loss-resistant quantum technique for gravitational-wave detection
James Gardner
6:45 PM
Decode NFDM-QAM signals with carrier phase and frequency offsets using convolutional neural network
Wen Qi Zhang
(University of South Australia)
6:45 PM
Development of a glass-based imaging phantom to model the optical properties of human tissue
Mingze Yang
(The University of Adelaide)
6:45 PM
Efficient Frequency doubling in LNOI Waveguides using Bounded State in Continuum
Andreas Boes
(University of Adelaide; RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Respiratory Rate Monitoring Using Multimode Fibre Specklegram Sensor
Md Nazmul Islam Sarkar
(University of South Australia)
6:45 PM
Laser Stabilisation Techniques for Space Applications
Namisha Chabbra
(Australian National University)
6:45 PM
Linewidth Measurement and Frequency Control of High Power, Single Frequency, Diamond Raman Laser (DRL)
Richard Pahlavani
(Macquarie University)
6:45 PM
Ray Tracing for Refractive Index Matching Free Optical Projection Tomography
Zixin Liang
(Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics, The Australian National University)
6:45 PM
Bound states in microwave QED: Crossover from waveguide to cavity regime
Pradeep Nandakumar
(ARC Center for Engineered Quantum Systems and Department of Maths and Physics, University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Optical detection of VOCs using metal-organic framework decorated metasurfaces
Shridhar Manjunath
(ARC Centre of excellence TMOS)
6:45 PM
Frequency control of diamond Raman lasers for guide star applications
Rich Mildren
(Macquarie University, Australia)
6:45 PM
Dielectric Metasurfaces Based Polarimetry for Satellite Imaging
Sarah Dean
(The Australian National University)
6:45 PM
Distance calibration via Newton’s rings in yttrium lithium fluoride whispering gallery mode resonators
Joshua Christensen
(University of Otago)
6:45 PM
A Compact Raman System for the identification of Whisky
Kwang Jun Lee
6:45 PM
Engineered entropic forces allow ultrastrong dynamical backaction
Christopher Baker
(The University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Novel Ultrafast Laser Inscribed Multi-Pass Waveguides for Reduced Bend Losses
Andrew Ross-Adams
(Macquarie University)
6:45 PM
High-precision laser Doppler velocimetry off an airborne target
Benjamin Dix-Matthews
(The University of Western Australia)
6:45 PM
Towards Bragg-based gravimetry on compact devices: A readout delay free scheme for measuring phase shifts with spatial fringes matter-wave interferometry
Yosri Ben Aicha
6:45 PM
Bouncing droplets and liquid time crystals
Tapio Simula
6:45 PM
Taipan – a versatile thermal neutron scattering instrument for condensed matter and materials research
Kirrily Rule
(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
6:45 PM
Electronic properties of 1T-TiSe2, numerical models of the formulation and melting of the charge density wave state
Joshua Gray
(RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Exploring the Properties and Stabilization of Nanoscale Overlayer/Metal cluster Architectures.
Mohammed Asiri
6:45 PM
Diffuse Scattering Studies from a Martensitic Fe-Pd Alloy
Trevor Finlayson
(University of Melbourne)
6:45 PM
Quench dynamics of the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
Anirban Ghosh
(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
6:45 PM
Self-acceleration of non-Hermitian exciton-polariton wave packets
Yow-Ming Hu
(Australian National University)
6:45 PM
Exploring the quantum interference of neutral matter waves reflected from ultra-thin films and surfaces
David Cortie
6:45 PM
New developments in the transcorrelated method for multicomponent quantum gases
Chris Bradly
6:45 PM
Towards High-Temperature Light-Induced Spin State Trapping: Insights From the Crystal Field Theory and Molecular Dynamics
Muhammad Nadeem
(The University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
A survey of methods for predicting electronic structure
Tanglaw Roman
6:45 PM
Quench dynamics of trapped many-body systems.
Alex Kerin
6:45 PM
Convergent close-coupling calculations of electrons scattering on HeH+
Dmitry Fursa
(Curtin University)
6:45 PM
Cross sections for electron scattering from atomic tin
Haadi Umer
(Curtin University)
6:45 PM
Coupled mode theory for BECs in a square bipartite optical lattice.
Abbas Hussein
6:45 PM
An Interaction Quench Heat Engine Using a One-Dimensional Bose Gas
Raymon Watson
6:45 PM
A Rubidium Cold Focussed Ion Beam
Kaih Mitchell
6:45 PM
Fluctuation theorem in non-equilibrium vortex systems
Rama Sharma
(Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia)
6:45 PM
Synthetic superfluid chemistry with vortex-trapped quantum impurities
Matthew Edmonds
(University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Critical Velocity and Vortex Nucleation for Superfluid Flow Past a Finite Obstacle
Charlotte Quirk
6:45 PM
Measuring Rotation in a Bose Einstein Condensate with Phonon Interferometry
Charles Woffinden
(University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Molecular convergent close-coupling calculations for the ionisation of H2 and its isotopologues
Dmitry Fursa
(Curtin University)
6:45 PM
Determination of Transition Polarisability for Atomic Parity Violation in Cesium
Jayden Hasted
(The University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Fully Stripped Beryllium-Ion Collisions with Atomic Hydrogen Initially in an Excited State
Nicholas Antonio
6:45 PM
Shell effects in fission and quasifission
Cedric Simenel
6:45 PM
Evidence from CDF II and Muon g−2 for a new particle at 80.4287(22) GeV/c^2
Robert Pfeifer
6:45 PM
Measurement of B0 --> D-pi+pi0 at the Belle Experiment
Kim Smith
6:45 PM
Rare B-meson decay processes in the ATLAS detector at CERN
Matthew Fewell
(University of Adelaide (AU))
6:45 PM
Tensor E-graphs for Lattice QCD Nuclear Correlation Function Calculations
Nabil Humphrey
6:45 PM
Origin of the baryon magnetic polarisability
Thomas Kabelitz
6:45 PM
Simulation of the ATLAS Inner Tracker
Emily Filmer
(University of Adelaide (AU))
6:45 PM
Current Status and the Future for Automation and Monitoring of Calibration Procedures at the Belle II Experiment
David Dossett
6:45 PM
On the query complexity of connectivity with global queries
Arinta Auza
6:45 PM
Quantum transduction with atomic three-level systems
Thomas Smith
(University of Sydney)
6:45 PM
Spectroscopy to observe Maxwell's Demon
Rose Manakil
6:45 PM
Information Flow in Non-Unitary Quantum Cellular Automata
Elisabeth Wagner
(Macquarie University)
6:45 PM
Compilation of algorithm specific graph states for quantum circuits
Madhav Krishnan Vijayan
(University of Technology Sydney)
6:45 PM
The shareability of steering in two-producible states
Qiucheng Song
6:45 PM
Quantum Approaches to Combinatorial Optimisation Problems in the Automotive Industry
Gary Mooney
(University of Melbourne)
6:45 PM
Optimisation of electron spin qubits in electrically driven multi-donor quantum dots
Abhikbrata Sarkar
(University of New South Wales)
6:45 PM
Subsystem criticality & bifurcating entanglement renormalization
Dominic Williamson
6:45 PM
Quantum Machine Learning: Quantum Kernel Methods
Sanjeev Naguleswaran
6:45 PM
Homodyne measurement with a Schrödinger cat state as a local oscillator
Austin Lund
6:45 PM
Optimal mitigation of random-telegraph-noise dephasing by spectator-qubit
Behnam Tonekaboni Faghihnasiri
(Griffith University)
6:45 PM
Phase-space simulations of Gaussian Boson Sampling quantum networks
Alexander Dellios
6:45 PM
Quantum optical levitation of a mirror
Ryan Marshman
(University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Quantum measurement and control with massive mechanical oscillators
Matt Woolley
(UNSW Canberra)
6:45 PM
Limitations on feasibility of satellites for distributed quantum computer networks
Srikara Shankara
6:45 PM
Dynamics of Nanotube Electromechanical Oscillator Coupled to Single Electron Transistor
Govind Sasikumar
(School of Engineering and Information Technology, UNSW Canberra, ACT, 2600, Australia.)
6:45 PM
System for Toxic Element Analysis (STELA)
Jack Webster
(University of Wollongong / CSIRO)
6:45 PM
HF Radar Signatures of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra on Shear Flows
Stuart Anderson
(University of Adelaide)
6:45 PM
Storing the sunshine: outer valence ionization potentials of norbornadiene and quadricyclane
Feng Wang
(Swinburne University of technology)
6:45 PM
Techno-economic comparison for productions of hydrogen and synthetic methane from Australian wheat straw
Ross Swinbourn
(Swinburne University of Technology)
6:45 PM
Sensitive temperature-dependent spin properties in hBN nanopowders
Fernando Meneses
(The University of Melbourne)
6:45 PM
Recovering quantum metrology advantage in the presence of noise
Nattaphong Wonglakhon
(Griffith University)
6:45 PM
Utilising Second-Order Correlation Algorithms for Improved Single Photon Source Measurements
Mitchell de Vries
(RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Quantum Diamond Magnetometers for Precision Vector Magnetic Field Sensing
David Simpson
6:45 PM
Entanglement based probe new macroscopic forces
Ryan Marshman
(University of Queensland)
6:45 PM
Silicon Birefringence Mapping Measurement
Vahid Jaberian Hamedan
6:45 PM
Nature of inertia and dynamic gravitational field
Branko Kovac
6:45 PM
Volatile Crystalline Semiconductor Core Fibers
Thomasina Zaengle
(Clemson University Graduate Student)
6:45 PM
Compositionally Manipulating Nonlinearities in Novel Optical Fibers Based on the Molten Core Method
Miranda Stone
6:45 PM
On the evolution of nanoparticles in nanoparticle-doped optical fibers
Mary Ann Cahoon
(Clemson University)
6:45 PM
Increasing silica loading in fibre preform fabrication by 3D DLP printing
Jiaying WANG
(1 Photonics and Optical Communications, School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia 2 Materials and Manufacturing Futures Institute, UNSW Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia)
6:45 PM
Fibre optic hydrophone based on pressure sensitive microstructed optical fibre
Wen Qi Zhang
(University of South Australia)
6:45 PM
Modelling of Nonlinear Amplifier in the Mid-IR Region
Bhaswar Dutta Gupta
(University of Auckland)
6:45 PM
Spontaneous high efficiency third harmonic generation in optical fibres
Wen Qi Zhang
(University of South Australia)
6:45 PM
Over 200 mW single-frequency Tm-doped fiber ring laser at 2.05 μm
Lu Zhang
6:45 PM
Suppressing stimulated Brillouin scattering and speckle effects by adjusting the seed laser wavefront in a high-power multi-mode fibre amplifier system
Ori Henderson-Sapir
(University of Adelaide)
6:45 PM
Preferential coupling of NV nanodiamond to doped fibre and spliced SMF
Shuo Li
(ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, RMIT University)
6:45 PM
Regenerated Polymer Optical Fibre Bragg Gratings for Cochlear Implantation
Dinusha Gunawardena
(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)