19–20 Dec 2022
ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Registration instructions

Fee payment

There is a fee of 30 Euros that must be paid in order to complete the registration.

The registration fee should be paid by bank transfer to the following account:

  • Name:            S P Rel G - Sociedade Portuguesa de Relatividade e Gravitação - Associação
  • IBAN:             PT50 0033 000045476924773 05
  • NIF (Tax number):  513399801

with the following data:

  • Amount:         30 Euros
  • Description:   It is very important to include the name of the participant registering, so that we can correctly identify each transaction.

After the transaction is made please send us the corresponding payment slip, for example attached to the receipt request (see below).

Fee waiver

Duly justified requests by students and independent researchers to waive the fee will be considered, although these grants are limited. To that effect, please send your request by email to XVblackholes.ista@iscte-iul.pt, using "waiver YOUR_NAME" as subject.

Receipt requests

Upon payment of the registration fee, please provide your fiscal information by sending an email to XVblackholes.ista@iscte-iul.pt, using "receipt YOUR_NAME" as subject, with the following information:

  • Business name
  • Full address
  • Tax number (if Portuguese only NIF is required, if non-Portuguese please provide tax number as well as the country)