The KM3NeT Collaboration is organizing the second Town Hall Meeting to promote its neutrino astronomy and multi-messenger programs. KM3NeT is instrumenting two deep-sea neutrino detectors in the Mediterranean Sea, a low energy site ORCA in France (3 GeV; 10 TeV) and a high energy site ARCA in Italy (~1 TeV; >10 PeV). The construction is in progress on both sites, and a larger sensitivity is already achieved in the whole energy range compared to the ANTARES detector. Thanks to the unprecedented angular resolution, the extended energy range (few MeV; >10 PeV) and the full sky coverage, KM3NeT will play an important role in the rapidly evolving multi-messenger field. During this workshop, we would like to review the most up-to-date neutrino production models and present KM3NeT performances and multi-messenger programs.
It will be held at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - Catania
R. Coniglione (INFN Catania)
G. de Wasseige (UCLouvain)
D. Dornic (CPPM)
A. Heijboer (Nikhef)
G. Illuminati (INFN and University of Bologna)
A. Marinelli (INFN and University of Napoli)
A. Plavin (Moscow)
V. Kulikovskiy (INFN Genova)
F. Salesa Greus (IFIC)
S. Biagi (INFN LNS) (e-mail )
C. Distefano (INFN LNS) (e-mail )
G. Ferrara (INFN LNS) (e-mail )
P. Cirrone (INFN LNS)
L. Pandola (INFN LNS)
G. Petringa (INFN LNS)