Photons and leptons
- Filomena Nunes
Electromagnetic processes such as photon absorption or gamma decay play a critical role in the reaction networks involved in nucleosynthesis or radiochemistry. Since direct experimental data is often lacking for many of the nuclei relevant for such applications, developing a predictive theory of these electromagnetic processes is especially important. Microscopic approaches built from...
We calculate the electric dipole (E1) and the magnetic dipole (M1) giant resonances with noniterative finite amplitude methods and demonstrate how the fully microscopic density functional theory predicts the giant resonances without any phenomenological parameters. Then, we calculate neutron capture reactions based on the statistical Hauser-Feshbach theory with the result of E1 and M1...
In nuclear reactions induced by low-energy charged particles, atomic electrons can participate in the process by screening the nuclear charge and so, effectively reduce the repulsive Coulomb barrier. Consequently, the measured cross section is enhanced by an effect called electron screening. In numerous experiments, different research groups [1-4] have reported extremely high values for the...