21 March 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


CMS Guides:

Davide Valsecchi 

I'm a Particle Physics PhD student from Milano and I'm currently spending my PhD at CERN working on the optimization of the electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) for Run3 and on CMS data analysis  about Vector Boson Scattering. I'm part of CMS since 2016 and I have been working as a Technical Student at CERN before my PhD.  I really enjoy making people discover details and curiosities about how CMS have been built and works: waiting for your questions!  

Haifa Rejeb Sfar

I am a phD student at the university of Antwerp and university of Tunis El Manar, I joined the CMS Collaboration in 2017 , since then I have been involved in the search of a hypothetical  particle the so called « heavy neutral lepton »  in CMS , DUNE and SoLid experiments in complementary phase spaces beside that I am working as a CMS shifts organiser and shifters trainer and I am also part of the CMS virtual visits team. Finally I am looking forward to start a new CMS tracker activities ! 

CMS virtual visits technical experts:


Noemi Beni 

Zoltan Szillasi

Zoltan and Noemi, physicists, PhD in particle physics

During the last 20 years, they have been working for Hardware Muon Barrel Alignment System and Fiber Optical Sensing System at CMS

Their big hobby has been the CMS Virtual visits since the beginning.