QCD Seminars

Quark and gluon jets in the Lund plane

by Gregory Soyez (IPhT, CEA Saclay)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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Lund diagrams have a long history as a useful concept when
discussing resummations and parton showers. I will discuss this in the
first part of the talk and show that it is possible to promote the
concept to a practical construction applicable to jets. In the second
part of the talk, I will show that these reconstructed "Lund planes"
have natural applications in all areas of jet substructure physics,
providing a clear understanding of the underlying physics concepts in
all cases. For the third and main part of the talk, I will focus on one
application, namely discriminating quark-initiated jets from
gluon-initiated jets, introducing two new approaches: one analytic,
based on perturbative QCD, and one using Deep Learning methods.

QCD seminars
Zoom Meeting ID
Elena Gianolio
Alternative hosts
Michelangelo Mangano, John Cassar, Silvia Ferrario Ravasio, Pascal Pignereau, Juan M. Cruz Martinez, Simone Zoia
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