CERN Hotel
There is limited space available in the CERN on-side hotel. For more information about the CERN hotel please consult the website here. There is also an off-site CERN residence (Schumann) in Saint Genis (France), about a 25 minute walk or quick bus journey to the main CERN entrance. There is also a CERN shuttle connecting this residence with the main entrance which is detailed here.
In the case, that you are not registered as CERN User, you should make your hotel reservation with status "external CONF" and you will be requested to provide the name of a guarantor. You can chose any of the following names:
- Stephen Dolan
- Thorsten Lux
- Laura Munteanu
- Claudio Giganti
- Gabriella Catanes
Other Hotels
A list of suggested hotels in the area is provided on the CERN housing service webpage. Special rates are usually applied for CERN visitors.
Notice that the main CERN entrance is in Switzerland, while some of the suggested hotels are located in France. Public transportation from locations in Geneva, Meyrin or Cointrin is efficient, but not from all hotels located on the french side.