6–8 Jun 2022
University of Minho, Campus Gualtar, Pedagogical Complex II (CP2), Room B1
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Search for Proca star mergers in GWTC-3

7 Jun 2022, 12:40
University of Minho, Campus Gualtar, Pedagogical Complex II (CP2), Room B1

University of Minho, Campus Gualtar, Pedagogical Complex II (CP2), Room B1


Samson Leong


Vector boson stars, also known as Proca stars, are self-gravitating lumps of dark matter sourced by an ultralight vector bosonic particle. We find 4 short signals in the latest gravitational wave catalogue GWTC-3, including the events GW190426, GW190521, and GW200220 and a trigger S200114f; and compare them to a catalogue of ~800 numerical simulations of head-on mergers of such exotic compact binaries. Our result shows that GW190521 and S200114f are more favoured to be Proca stars mergers than binary black holes merger; whereas GW200220 and GW190426 are not. On top of that, the mass of the ultralight bosons inferred from these signals are consistent with each other, at around 9⨉10^{-13} eV, except for the trigger S200114f which slightly deviates from that.

Which topic best fits your talk? Cosmological Sources of GW

Primary authors

Alejandro Torres-Forńe Juan Calderón Bustillo Samson Leong Carlos Herdeiro Eugen Radu Isaac C. F. Wong Jośe A. Font Koustav Chandra Nicolas Sanchis-Gual Tjonnie G. F. Li

Presentation materials