In recent years, cosmological experiments like PLANCK-2018 [1,2] and BICEP/KECK [3] have shown the efficacy of single field slow-roll inflaton potential in explaining various experimental parameters regarding LSS, CMBR anisotropy and polarization data with significant precession. Therefore, obtaining a low energy effective inflationary theory consistent with such a class of potentials from superstring theory has been a subject of major efforts, although it is seriously at tension with swampland conjecture [4] and trans-Planckian censorship conjecture (TCC) [5]. In this paper, we have proposed that, such a connection is in principle possible in a pleasant way, if we stabilize all Kahler moduli by incorporating several perturbative and non-perturbative quantum corrections in the Kahler potential and super-potential respectively, a suitable uplifting mechanism and a novel canonical normalization technique. Our framework is based on $10d$ type-IIB superstring theory compactified on a $T^6/Z_N$ Calabi-Yau (CY) orientifold, equipped with three magnetized non-interacting and intersecting $D7$ branes, $O7$ planes and the non-trivial quantised $RR$ and $NS$ closed $3$-form world volume fluxes threading the $4$-cycles of $CY$-volume. The perturbative corrections arising from $\alpha'^3$ expansion in LVS [6], multi-graviton scattering upto one-loop with log-correction [7] and non-perturbative corrections related to $E3$-instanton [8] and gaugino condensation [9] break the supersymmetric no-scale structure giving an $F$-term $AdS_4$ potential which is dynamically uplifted by $D$-term potential originating from $U(1)$ charges of $D7$ branes in gravitational sector thereby providing the inflaton potential after normalization. All the parameters of the derived $dS_4$ potential are carefully tuned to maintain the inflationary plateau region. Cosmological parameters are obtained by $k$-space analysis of cosmological perturbations by dynamical horizon exit method [10] and found [11] to be consistent with PLANCK and BICEP/KECK constraints viz., $n_s=0.9652-0.9662$, $r=5.8\times 10^{-4}-6.2\times 10^{-4}$, $N=55.0-56.7$,$n_t=(-7.28\times 10^{-5} )-(-7.76 \times 10^{-5})$ at $k=0.001-0.009$ Mpc$^{-1}$.
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3. ADE P.A. R. et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 127 (2021) 151301.
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10. SARKAR A., SARKAR C. and GHOSH B., JCAP 11 (2021) 029.
11. LET A., SARKAR A.,SARKAR C., and GHOSH B., EPL 139 (2022), no. 5 59002
Institutional mail: adsarkar@scholar.buruniv.ac.in
Session | Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology |