WP12 Hackathon
4/3-004 - TH Discussion Room (CERN)
This hackathon will take place as a three day in person meeting at CERN. We will organize various parallel hands-on meetings during that time with the goal of advancing our WP12 software projects. Special focus should be given on the interfaces and overall integration into the Key4hep software stack.
Please register for the event if you plan to attend.
Note that for the general topical Zoom rooms, these will only be used when needed.
Adam Davis
Andre Sailer
Andreas Salzburger
Andreas Stefl
Anna Zaborowska
Benedikt Hegner
Clement Helsens
Corentin Allaire
Dalila Salamani
David Rousseau
Engin Eren
Erica Brondolin
Frank Gaede
Gerald Grenier
Gerardo Ganis
Graeme A Stewart
Hadrien Benjamin Grasland
Juraj Smiesko
Keith Evans
Marco Gersabeck
Michal Mazurek
Nazar Bartosik
Peter McKeown
Placido Fernandez Declara
Tao Lin
Teng LI
Thomas Madlener
Valentin Volkl
Vincent Boudry
Wang ShengYi
Ziad El Bitar