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18–22 Apr 2011
Palais des Papes, Avignon
Europe/Paris timezone

Vector fields and Loop Quantum Cosmology

18 Apr 2011, 18:15
Chambre du Trésorier (Palais des Papes, Avignon)

Chambre du Trésorier

Palais des Papes, Avignon


Mr Michal Artymowski (IFT, University of Warsaw)


In the context of the Loop Quantum Cosmology we have analysed the holonomy correction to the classical evolution of the simplified Bianchi I model in the presence of vector fields. For the Universe dominated by a massive vector field or by a combination of a scalar field and a vector field a smooth transition between Kasner-like solution and expanding Bianchi I Universe has been demonstrated. In this case a lack of initial singularity and a finite maximal energy density appear already at the level of General Relativity, which simulates a classical Big Bounce.

Primary author

Mr Michal Artymowski (IFT, University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials