23–29 Oct 2022
Sicily, italy
Europe/Warsaw timezone

QCD at high temperatures and finite densities: heavy-ion collisions

25 Oct 2022, 16:30
Sicily, italy

Sicily, italy

Arathena Rocks Hotel, Via Calcide Eubea, 55, 98035 Giardini Naxos ME, Italy


Federica Fabiano (INFN Cagliari)


The LHCb collaboration pursues a full physics program studying dense QCD with both beam-beam and fixed-target collisions. The forward design of the LHCb spectrometer allows probing the low-x region of the nucleus, while high vertexing precision and full particle ID guarantee the reconstruction of a wide range of hadrons down to very low transverse momentum. In this talk we present the recent LHCb results including quarkonia production in peripheral and ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions, and antiproton and charm production in fixed-target collisions.

Primary author

Federica Fabiano (INFN Cagliari)

Presentation materials