Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

1–3 Jun 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Future Technologies for Sustainable Fashion bring together fashion design, ATTRACT technologies in detection and imagind, and the Design the Future methodology toolbox created at CERN IdeaSquare.

Our future as humankind requires replacing traditional thinking archetypes and adopting exponential, disruptive and systemic approaches. Only in this way, we would be able to design scenarios for anticipating as much as possible the formidable challenges facing our Planet and us in the coming decades. Design the Future, the methodology used on this course, aims for providing practitioners a novel way to start.


For participants:

For getting connected to wifi, please fill in this form for each device you want to connect, and on the last page, set Laura Wirtavuori as the contact person. 
