5–9 Sept 2022
Tbilisi State University
Asia/Tbilisi timezone

Tests of Standard Model with beauty meson rare decay processes and CP-violation measurements at ATLAS

7 Sept 2022, 16:05
Tbilisi State University

Tbilisi State University

1 Chavchavadze Av., Tbilisi, Vake district


Lukas Novotny


The ATLAS experiment has performed measurements of B-meson rare decays proceeding via suppressed electroweak flavour changing neutral currents, and of mixing and CP violation in the neutral B0s meson system. This poster will focus on the latest results from the ATLAS collaboration, such as rare processes B0s→μμ and B0d→μμ, and CP violation in B0s→J/ψ ϕ decays, where the CP-violation phase ϕs can be measured together with the B0s lifetime properties.

Presentation materials