5–7 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Striving towards environmental sustainability in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP): a grassroots initiative

6 Sept 2022, 18:24
Zoom only (CERN)

Zoom only



Mandeep Gill (Stanford University) Rakhi Nandalal Mahbubani (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))


This talk will present the current state of the document 'Striving towards Environmental Sustainability in HECAP'. This work in progress is a grassroots effort emerging from the first workshop on Sustainability in HEP, with the aim of reflecting on the role that our community can play in limiting environmental impacts. We envision it as a prelude to a more widespread engagement of the HECAP community with issues of environmental sustainability, leading eventually to assessment of, reporting on, and target-setting on GHG emissions and other environmental measures at all levels of organization, from individuals, research groups and experimental collaborations, to institutions, funding bodies and policy makers. We urge the audience to contribute to this effort and help shape this document into a useful and complete reference for our community.

Primary authors

Mandeep Gill (Stanford University) Rakhi Nandalal Mahbubani (Rudjer Boskovic Institute (HR))

Presentation materials