Nov 21 – 25, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recent progress in theoretical modelling of galaxy clustering has led to new types of data analyses which are particularly important for constraining extensions of the LCDM cosmological model. This allowed for novel tests of new physics, both in the early and late universe. As a proof of concept, these new techniques have been applied to currently existing data to put the tightest constraints on several interesting scenarios, including early dark energy, ultralight axion dark matter, massive but light relics, decaying dark matter, interactions in the dark sector etc.

However, the landscape of possible BSM models which can be tested using galaxy clustering remains largely unexplored. This is a massive opportunity for the BSM and cosmology communities to work together towards creating new ideas and deriving their phenomenological implications, as well as thinking about new observables and tests to be performed in the data. The main goal of this TH Institute is to bring the two communities together and initiate the discussion about possible types of new physics that can be tested using galaxy clustering. This is very timely, given the large amount of new data that will be available in the next several years, as well as ever more ambitious observational programs already planned for the following decade.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Kimberly Boddy (UT Austin)
  • Guido D'Amico (Parma)
  • Michael Geller (Tel Aviv)
  • Daniel Grin (Haverford)
  • Julien Lesgourgues (Aachen)
  • Matt Lewandowski (Northwestern)
  • Hongwan Liu (Princeton)
  • Andrei Mesinger (SNS Pisa)
  • Ethan Nadler (Carnegie Obs. & USC)
  • Henrique Rubira (TU Munich)
  • Leonardo Senatore (ETH Zürich)
  • Linda Xu (UC Berkeley/LBNL)


  • Emanuele Castorina (University of Milan)
  • Vera Gluscevic (University of Southern California) 
  • Diego Redigolo (INFN Florence)
  • Ennio Salvioni (University of Padua)
  • Marko Simonovic (CERN)
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