5–7 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sustainability Platform needs humanpower and ideas

7 Sept 2022, 18:00
Zoom only (CERN)

Zoom only



Claire David (York University (CA))


Following the first Sustainable HEP workshop held online in June 2021, follow-up discussions centred around potential initiatives. These included the development of an online platform, focussed on environmental sustainability in our fields. The fledgling webpage (sustainable-hecap.github.io/) was made live recently to provide a platform to host the current draft of the reflective document “Striving towards Environmental Sustainability in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (HECAP).” However, we want this platform to grow … sustainably! And potentially add features. We thus send a call via this talk to ask for volunteers to take over this project. We invite discussions on how to broaden the scope of this website and on future initiatives that could be hosted, e.g., additional content to help us educate ourselves and the public, so that we can converge together on how such an online platform would best represent the HECAP community and help to coordinate our efforts as we drive for greater sustainability.

Primary author

Claire David (York University (CA))

Presentation materials