5–7 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sustainable Software Training Delivery at the HEP Software Foundation

5 Sept 2022, 16:24
Zoom only (CERN)

Zoom only


Best-practise example Input and Discussion


Wouter Deconinck


Modern HEP experiments are heavily reliant on software, but the traditional model of software training has relied on air travel to in-person training events (often associated with workshops or conferences). The HEP Software Foundation has developed a software training program to respond to the above challenge and the long-term sustainability of the HEP research software ecosystem. The open source and introductory HEP software curriculum and several software modules on techniques and methods for computing and data science have enabled users to jump start research and contributions to the field. Though initially motivated by the COVID pandemic, a shift in introductory training delivery from primarily in-person to virtual has allowed us to train over 1500 learners in the past 4 years. This shift to scalable virtual learning, which we intend to maintain for the introductory curriculum, has resulted in both an environmental and societal impact. By avoiding the need for air travel to training sites, we have reduced our carbon footprint and enabled learners to attend who otherwise would not have the local funds to travel. In addition, organized software training for HEP field brings efficiency and avoids duplication efforts, again saving related cost of energy and resources.

I understand that submitted abstracts will only be considered from registered participants. Yes, I have already registered.


Kilian Lieret (Princeton University) Michel Hernandez Villanueva (DESY) Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico (US)) Wouter Deconinck

Presentation materials