5–7 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Mitigation of climate change: what options ahead?

5 Sept 2022, 15:20
Zoom only (CERN)

Zoom only


Impulse talk Impulse talk


Elena Verdolini


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III Report on Mitigation of Climate Change represents the most updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. This presentation illustrates emission pathways and alternative mitigation portfolios consistent with limiting global warming to different levels, and assesses specific mitigation options at the sectoral and system level. It also discusses the importance of enabling conditions related to institutional design, policy, finance, innovation and governance arrangements and how these can contribute to climate change mitigation in the context of sustainable development.

Presentation materials