Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar

Stefanos Leontsinis (University of Zurich (CH))

Abstract: SuperKEKB/Belle II experiment is a successor of the KEKB/Belle experiment. The goal of the experiment is to exceed the integrated luminosity of 50 ab-1, roughly 50 times larger than the Belle dataset. After a substantial upgrade of the detector and the accelerator, the machine commissioning has been completed in 2018 and the data taking has begun since then. The Belle II has accumulated more than 420 fb-1 of data so far . In this talk, I am going to present the status of the machine and detector operation, the recent physics results with the initial data, and prospects for the Belle II physics.


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    • 14:00 15:00
      Status and prospects for SuperKEKB/Belle II Experiment 1h
      Speaker: Keisuke Yoshihara (Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University)