Experimental Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Seminar

Stefanos Leontsinis (University of Zurich (CH))



The LHC at CERN is upgrading both the accelerator and its detectors in order to move to a High Luminsoity phase of operation (HL-LHC). The greater luminosity and increased pileup of events requires detector systems that have more spatial precision, greater radiation tolerance and smarter electronics.

One major upgrade in the CMS detector is to replace the current end cap calorimeters (ECAL and HCAL) with a new “High Granularity Calorimeter“ or HGCAL as it is known.
Unusually for a calorimeter; HGCAL will be able to measure the fine structure of showers in a 3D volume as well as measure energy deposition and time. It is built as a large sampling calorimeter with both electromagnetic (CE-E) and hadronic (CE-H) regions . For this, it has 47 layers of high granularity sensors interleaved with absorber materials. Two sensor materials are used; silicon in the higher radiation regions and scintillating tiles in the lesser radiation regions. In total there will be ~600 m2 of silicon sensors and 400 m2 of scintillating tiles. 

This talk will briefly introduce the HGCAL before focusing on the electronics design and development, in particular the on-detector front-end electronics chain with many custom ASICs. The project is now in a mature stage of design with prototype performance validation key before starting the daunting production phase. 

This hugely challenging project with unprecedented demands on performance and scale will be discussed.


    • 14:00 15:00
      The CMS HGCAL upgrade, from an electronics perspective 1h
      Speaker: Paul Aspell (CERN)