May 2 – 5, 2023
Palais des papes, Avignon
Europe/Paris timezone

Rationale The conference addressed the cardinal issues of the dark universe today, gathering a selected number of scientists working in cosmology and particle physics in the inspiring and monumental setting of Avignon. There were both review talks by leading experts in each field and selected contributions, all aimed at encouraging in-depth debates. A certain amount of time was devoted to discussion sessions. 

The 2023 edition, the sixth in the PONT series, focused on the following research topics: 

- Early universe

- Late universe

- Gravitational waves

- Astrophysical messengers of new physics

Organizers  Philippe Brax (IPhT Paris-Saclay, CEA), Francesca Calore (LAPTh Annecy), Marco Cirelli (LPTHE Jussieu Paris), Christian Marinoni (CPT Marseille), Vivian Poulin (LUPM Montpellier), Nicola Tamanini (L2IT Toulouse)

Technical and Administrative Secretariat  Laura Trano    (

Palais des papes, Avignon
Chambre du Trésorier
Go to map

We  reached the maximum capacity of the conference room and we were forced to close registrations earlier than foreseen.

We kindly asked registered participants who had changed their plans and could not come to Avignon to inform us as soon as possible so that we could allocate the place to another colleague.


Talks submission deadline:  March 12th, 2023

Registration deadline : April 9th, 2023


PONT 2023 was pleased to announce the availability of free on-site child care for participants. For further details, participants were invited to contact our technical and administrative secretariat.


This is the sixth edition of the conference.
See the websites of PONT Avignon 2008, PONT Avignon 2011, PONT Avignon 2014 PONT Avignon 2017 and  PONT Avignon 2020 .

Code of conduct

Supporting agencies:


Espace InternationalAMUIPHUResources - Branding toolkit – CIVIS - A European Civic University
We acknowledge in particular the steady financial support from the 'Programmes Nationaux' of CNRS/INSU, France: 'Gravitation, Référence, Astronomie, Métrologie' (GRAM), 'Hautes Energies' (PNHE) and 'Cosmologie and Galaxies' (PNCG).