June 27, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone
Could CERN innovation be used to tackle climate change and environmental challenges?

The CERN Innovation Programme on Environmental Applications (CIPEA) has the objective to harness CERN’s innovation potential in environmental technologies.

During the Kick-off Event in March, the CERN community has been invited to contribute with ideas and suggestions about the possible use of CERN technologies, know-how and facilities for impactful environmental applications.

After a 3-month ideation phase, many interesting projects have been proposed by CERN experts, often in collaboration with external partners.

The CIPEA Innovation Day on June 27th will be the opportunity to share these new ideas, celebrate the inventiveness of CERN community and start discussing possible implementation strategies.

Please note that, to encourage interactions, this will be a physical event (it will not be broadcasted).

It will take place in the Main Auditorium in the morning and in IdeaSquare in the afternoon.

Registration is recommended but not compulsory.

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium
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Registration for this event is currently open.