11–14 Apr 2011
Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

$B$-Physics Probes for New Physics in the LHC Era

12 Apr 2011, 12:15
James Cook (Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz)

James Cook

Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz

Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Prof. Robert Fleischer (Nikhef)


We have just entered a new round in the testing of the flavour sector of the Standard Model through high-precision measurements of $B$-meson decays. While the last decade has revealed many new insights thanks to the interplay between theory and the $B$-decay data, there is still a largely unexplored territory of the $B$-physics landscape left for the LHC and improved analyses at the Tevatron. I will discuss recent theoretical developments related to these measurements, with a focus on those decays that are particularly promising for revealing footprints of New Physics.


Prof. Robert Fleischer (Nikhef)

Presentation materials