11–14 Apr 2011
Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Minimal Flavour Violation and Two-Higgs doublet Models.

11 Apr 2011, 16:55
James Cook (Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz)

James Cook

Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz

Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo (UTL/CFTP/IST)


We construct extensions of the Standard Model with two Higgs doublets, where there are flavour changing neutral currents both in the quark and leptonic sectors, with their strength fixed by the fermion mixing matrices $V_{CKM}$ and $V_{PMNS}$. These models are an extension to the leptonic sector of the class of models previously considered by Branco, Grimus and Lavoura, for the quark sector. We consider both the cases of Dirac and Majorana neutrinos and identify the minimal discrete symmetry required in order to implement the models in a natural way.



Francisco Botella (U. Valencia) Gustavo Branco (CFTP/IST) Miguel Nebot (U. Valencia)

Presentation materials