11–14 Apr 2011
Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

Complete resummation of chirally enhanced corrections in the general MSSM

11 Apr 2011, 12:05
James Cook (Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz)

James Cook

Hotel Slovenija, Portoroz

Obala 33, 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia


Dr Andreas Crivellin (ITP Bern)


In the MSSM self-energies can be enhanced either by tan(beta) or by the trilinear A-terms and therefore lead to order one corrections. In this talk I show how these large corrections can be resummed to all order in perturbation theory. This resummation results in effective gluino, chargino, neutralino and Higgs boson vertices. Using these vertices all chirally enhanced effects can be consistently included into the calculation of the Wilson coefficients.


Dr Andreas Crivellin (ITP Bern) Dr Janusz Rosiek (IFT Warsaw) Dr Lars Hofer (Universität Würzburg)

Presentation materials