Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

23–24 Feb 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone


The main topic of this TIARA general Kick-Off meeting is to provide information to all TIARA participants and review how the work is being organized and has started within the Work Packages.


23rd 11:00  -  24th February'11 16:00


Geneva, Switzerland: CERN

Plenary Sessions: Council Chamber (503-1-001)

Parallel Sessions: (will be distrubed by Chair)
  • WP2   61-1-007
  • WP3   60-2-023
  • WP4   72-1-020
  • WP5   61-1-017
  • WP6   14-4-002
  • WP7     4-3-021
  • WP8   72-R-036
  • WP9   60-R-006 (Feb. 23 15h-18h)         
  •             5-5-028 (Feb. 24 8h-11h)


Deadline Registration:
(without accommodation)

9th February 2011


     Chair: Roy Aleksan
     Local Contacts : Anders Unnervik & Nathalie Gouriou