Using Machine Learning to Get Serious about Systematics

by Daniel Whiteson (University of California Irvine (US))


Abstract: A vital path to discovery of new physics lies through precision studies, where claims of significant deviations rely exquisitely on our understanding of systematic uncertainties. I will discuss two common practices in treatment of systematic uncertainties which rely on implicit assumptions that deserve revisiting and upgrades.  I will discuss how the use of machine learning can aid in the development of more robust systematic uncertainties.


Daniel Whiteson is a Professor of Physics at UC Irvine, and a member of the ATLAS experiment. He is interested in development of novel machine learning and statistical techniques to aid searches for new physics.

Organised by

O. Behnke, L. Lyons, L. Moneta, N. Wardle

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Olaf Behnke
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Nicholas Wardle
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