7 September 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


Short voluntary interventions

7 Sept 2022, 16:00
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Gian Giudice (CERN)
07/09/2022, 16:00
Daniele Amati (SISSA)
07/09/2022, 16:05
Luciano Maiani (University La Sapienza)
07/09/2022, 16:10
Adi Armoni (Swansea University)
07/09/2022, 16:15
Giancarlo Rossi (University of Roma Tor Vergata)
07/09/2022, 16:20
KENICHI KONISHI (University of Pisa)
07/09/2022, 16:25
Shimon Yankielowicz (Tel Aviv University)
07/09/2022, 16:30
Tom Taylor (Northeastern University)
07/09/2022, 16:35
Ramy Brustein (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
07/09/2022, 16:40
Anne Davis (University of Cambridge)
07/09/2022, 16:45
Krzysztof Meissner (Warsaw University)
07/09/2022, 16:50
Bryan Webber (University of Cambridge)
07/09/2022, 16:55
Jonathan R. Ellis (University of London)
07/09/2022, 17:00
Jacek Wosiek (Jagiellonian University)
07/09/2022, 17:05
Building timetable...