Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Rucio Meeting

4/S-030 (CERN)



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Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • July release schedule
        • 1.29.0
          • RC2 in Production in ATLAS since today
            • Looks good
          • Final tomorrow
            • Will lift code-freeze then
        • 1.29.1
          • July 25
        • 1.26.14 (LTS)
          • July 25
        • 1.23.20 (LTS)
          • Empty release
          • July 4
          • Probably last 1.23 release
      • Bi-weekly summer schedule
        • Next week no meeting!
      • Documentation hackathon
      • Next meetings
        • July 21 - Rucio 1.29 release retrospective
        • August 04 - Rucio 1.30 "The Donkeynator" release planning
    • 15:05 15:20
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 15m
      • ATLAS
        • Quiet week - nothing happened :-)
      • CMS
        • _"_
      • Fermilab/DUNE/Rubin/...
        • Upgrading deployments to newer versions
        • Rubin testing throughput with FTS3
          • Testing Rucio transfers between SLAC and IN2P3
            • 3rd party pull usually fails in first attempt, 2nd attempt with push then succeeds
              • Mario: Seen this before, but only on tape destination
              • Petr: FTS configuration and FTS error would be helpful
      • DUNE
        • Data challenge next week
      • Belle II
      • ESCAPE/EOSC-Future
        • Transfer speed
          • Queuing can happen within FTS3
          • Could also be that Rucio is not "polling" fast enough
            • Can be Rucio config
            • Message consumption from FTS (rucio conveyor-receiver) would help
          • First identifying where the bottleneck is would be useful (FTS vs Rucio)
        • Token integration for SKAO
    • 15:20 15:25
      Hot topics 5m
    • 15:25 15:55
      Developers roundtable 30m
      • Rucio 1.29 "Into the donkeyverse" progress tracking
        • 16 DONE / 22 DELAYED
        • Very motivated and courageous release plan
        • Got lots of things done, but also had to delay many issues
        • Need to better question how realistc our plans are
          • Have checkpoints during the development to question how realistic our plan still is
      • Other topics
        • WebUI
          • Story books setup for unified design for the different pages
          • Integrating the authentication workflows
            • OIDC, UserPass, X509
            • MultiVO support from the beginning
        • Tokens
          • Need to decide how certain workflows work in ATLAS
          • Policy decision can impact design
            • Should be discussed very soon
        • Py3.6 deprecation
          • Probably still need to keep it for quite a while
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m