Antonia Di Crescenzo
(University of Naples)
The OPERA long-baseline oscillation experiment is located in the underground Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy.
OPERA has been designed to observe nu-mu -> nu-tau appearance in the CNGS nu-mu beam, 730 km away from its source at CERN. The apparatus consists of a large set of emulsion-lead targets combined with electronic detectors.
The target consists of 150,000 Emulsion Cloud Chambers (ECC) bricks, which are stacks of interleaved emulsion films and lead plates. The ντ charged current interactions will be detected by identifying the decay topology of the τ in the ECC bricks.
The first run started in 2008. The experiment is currently in the phase of data taking and analysis.
The talk, after a short description of the OPERA setup, will present an updated status report on data reconstruction and analysis applied to present samples of neutrino events.
Primary author
Antonia Di Crescenzo
(University of Naples)