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Rucio Meeting

Martin Barisits (CERN)
Rucio Development Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Martin Barisits
Alternative hosts
Mario Lassnig, Cedric Serfon, Dimitrios Christidis
Useful links
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    • 15:00 15:05
      News 5m
      • Meeting schedule
        • Back to weekly meetings!
        • Next week no meeting! (Jeune Genevois)
      • September release schedule
        • 1.29.4 Sep 5
        • 1.29.5 Sep 19
      • Rucio 1.30 Release checkpoint 1
        • September 15!
    • 15:05 15:20
      Community News & DevOps roundtable 15m
      • ATLAS
        • Regression in the recent self-managed QoS feature
          • By accident all transfers were submitted including a STAGING request
          • Hotfix was submitted quite quickly disabling this feature
        • Issue with subscriptions
          • Caused by malformed historic subscriptions in the database
        • list_replicas with specific RSE expression + temporary tables activated
          • rse_expression needs to resolve to >4 RSEs
          • Rucio returns wrong, inconsistent, result
          • Fixed in next release
        • #5842 legacy vs RFC-conform format
          • IAM gives out DNs in RFC format, while VOMS does legacy format
          • There will be a probe in 1.30 taking care of this
            • RFC -> Legacy conversion will be removed
      • CMS
        • 1.29.3 currently
        • bad_replica declaration very important
          • Ongoing discussion on Slack
      • Belle II
        • 1.28.7
        • For 1.29 still waiting for Py3 environment/compatibility
          • --> Beginning of October
      • Fermilab/DUNE/ICARUS/...
        • Need to upgrade to 1.29
          • Passing scope to surl algorithm is fundamental to DUNE
          • Be aware that 1.26 transfers might not be compatible directly in 1.29
            • Might need to drain transfers in a 1.28 daemon
      • DUNE
        • metacat needs both name and scope, so it does require the scope in the SURL algorithm
        • Next week, second phase of data challenge
      • ESCAPE
        • Summer student working on integration of Rucio and reana
          • Progressing well
        • Authentication errors on Rucio instance
          • Need to check
    • 15:20 15:35
      Rucio Testing Framework (Introduction and Updates) 15m
      Speakers: Mayank Sharma (University of Texas at Arlington (US)), Benedikt Ziemons (FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (DE))
    • 15:35 15:55
      Developers roundtable 20m
      • Rucio 1.30 "The Donkeynator" progress tracking
        • In Progress​​
          • Introduce heartbeat handler to all daemons #5443 [Cedric, Dimitrios, Mario]
            • Missing daemons: hermes, atropos, replicarecoverer
              • replicarecoverer Christoph will do it, Cedric will double check
                • Christoph will be back to work on this in 2-3 weeks
              • atropos Dimitrios will check asap
          • Adherence to rule grouping dependent on order of ATTACH #5251 [Igor]
          • Exchange of function-based indices with normal indices #5440 [Mario, Martin, Radu]
            • Tombstone will be the first
          • Unable to Delete File DID via Undertaker #5154 [Martin]
            • More complicated than initially thought; still under investigation
          • Create a server/daemon installation howto #5445 [Joel]
          • rework conveyor-throttler #5805 [Radu]
          • Switch to pytest [Radu?]
            • Needs discussion
          • Release webUI 2.0 beta version [Mayank]
        • In Review
        • Done
          • Further ingetragtion of CMS-style consistency checking #5438 [Igor]
          • Remove old readthedocs documentation once the new one is fully operational #5446 [Joel, Martin]
        • Todo
          • Refactor the different test workflows to a common one [Ben, Mayank]
          • Create a contributor guide for probes #84 [Dimitrios]
          • Add symlinks for the new daemon names #5131 [Joel]
          • Prepare a clear list of changes which need to be made to use new daemon names #5132 [Joel]
          • Create developers testing guide in the documentation #5452 [Joel, Mayank]
          • Document and cleanup discrepancies between surl and lfn2pfn algorithms #5129 [Martin]
          • Reduce rule tickets to les than 20 [Martin]
          • foreign key error on deleting dids in reaper #5733 [Martin]
          • Rules on containers in state OK but not all the files from the containers have locks #5447 [Martin]
          • Reduce logging of server & daemons #5449 [Mayank]
          • Add python 3.10 tests to CI framework. #5145 [Mayank]
          • rework prometheus/statsd metric names #5804 [Radu]
          • Re-work/cleanup distance table #5454 [Radu]
          • Create documentation page for S3-type storage #5450 [Rizart]
          • Add support for S3 virtual hosted buckets #5451 [Rizart]
            • Test on-premise
            • Ongoing support issue with AWS/Fresno X.509 shenanigans
          • Merge list_dids and list_dids_extended methods #5448 [Rob]
        • Delayed
      • Other topics
    • 15:55 16:00
      AOB 5m