It has been proposed to design and build an modular, a simple and effective cosmic ray detector (muon detector) that can be used both in laboratory measurements and in great physics experiments. The main goal of this system is to provide information from cosmic muons that pass the other detector in both in-beam and off-beam experiments for testing and calibration. Moreover, observation of muons and muons pair originating from decays of collision products will also be possible. The proposed detector is called the Modular COsmic Ray Detector (MCORD). The MCORD is designed as a universal, fast triggering system built as a modular reconfigurable construction. We describes the second stage of the project (demonstrator) and potential use in different big experiments. The MCORD detector based on plastic scintillators with silicon photomultiplier photodetectors (SiPM) for scintillation readout with analog Slow Control electronic system and electronic data analyze system based FPGA electronic on MicroTCA crate.